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Aug 12, 2016 | radio interview

A drone system to deliver packages and fast food is on its way to South Australia. However, an amendment to federal laws is needed for the implementation of this idea. Clinton Burchat, founde....

Futuristic delivery drone on its way to SA
Aug 09, 2016 

A drone system to deliver packages – and possibly even fast food – is coming to South Australia, but a change in federal laws will be needed to get the idea get off the ground........

Urban Deliveries with Drones
Dec 14, 2015 | Blog Post

It feels like such a long time ago but in 2012 I bought my first drone. Back then drones were not an easy straight out of the box flying experience. Rather, drones came in many parts, which had to be carefully configured before they could become flying machi...

Drone delivery nets could be the mailboxes of the future.

With drone technology progressing so quickly, it may not be too long before they start dropping packages at our doorsteps. But proposals for how the vehicles can safely navigate fences, pets and small children haven't been entirely convincing so far. A pair of Australians believe they have the answer.....

Mailbox of the future: Drone delivery nets may soon replace postmen.

Drone delivery nets, proposed by two Australian inventors, may become the solution that Amazon and Google are looking for in order to start mass delivery of small packages via unmanned aircrafts.....

Skynet drone-delivery mailbox in the running for $1m prize

Concept one of 20 to make semi-finals of Drones for Good competition, intended to steer technology towards improving lives........


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